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Why nutrition is so pivotal?
The food you ingest fuels your body. Why not supply your body with the best fuel? Running your car on bad gasoline negatively affects its performance. This is exactly what happens when we don’t eat or hydrate correctly. Not only do your muscles require proper nutrients, your brain and other organs do as well. Nutrients can be broken down into two groups, micro and macro nutrients.

Water, Macro, and Micro Nutrition
Water is the transporter of oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout the body. Contributing to waste elimination, lubricating joints, regulating body temperature and maximizing physical performance and other essential benefits, water plays a significant role in everyday health. Micro nutrients are essential elements required in trace amounts that engineer a range a physiological functions to maintain health in the forms of water soluble (B & C Vitamins), fat soluble (A, D and K) vitamins and trace minerals. Macro Nutrients, fat carbs and proteins keep the body functioning by maintaining body levels, metabolism, physical and mental well-being.

Understanding Your Body Type
Nutritional Methods are heavily influenced by our body types. Different body types call for different macro-nutrient ratios to excite fat loss and lean muscle gain. Mind in Muscle coaching will guide you by taking a realistic approach based on your daily eating and lifestyle habits in order to suggest changes that will improve your quality of life.
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